Friday 26 February 2016

Measurements and Instrumentation

About the Subject : 

Measurement is the process of determining the quantity of a variable by means of appropriate measuring instruments. Instrumentation is the whole process of preparing to collect data. It involves not only the selection or design of the instruments but also the procedures and the conditions under which the instruments will be administered.

Topics to be covered in this Seminar :

Functional elements of an instrument – Errors in measurement – Standards and calibration – Principle and types of analog and digital voltmeters– Magnetic measurements – Determination of B-H curve and measurements of iron loss – Instrument transformers –D.C & A.C potentiometers–D.C & A.C bridges– transformer ratio bridges–self-balancing bridges–Grounding techniques – Storage And Display Devices– Data Loggers– Classification of transducers– Elements of data acquisition system – A/D, D/A converters – Smart sensors.

Time to be planned :

     1 or 2 days

Kind of program :

       3D based Seminar and Guest Lecture for the Students

Reason for the program :

      Kalam Scientist Team aiming to build young generation Scientist

Sample Clips for reference : 

Standards and calibration

D.C & A.C bridges

 A/D, D/A converters 

Kalam Scientist Team

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